If you only experience this issue when connecting to a specific player, ask them to try the same troubleshooting. If you are still experiencing difficulty connecting with other players, this could indicate an issue related to the network of the player you are connecting with. Restarting your network devices may resolve this issue if it is related to the devices being unresponsive. If you have any of these, such as filing cabinets, speakers, power strips, glass, or cordless phones, next to your system or wireless router, move them away. Metal objects and electronic devices may interfere with wireless signals. Move any metal objects or electronic devices away from your Nintendo Switch console and wireless router.It may be helpful to remove the Nintendo Switch console from the Nintendo Switch dock while troubleshooting, and then return the console when troubleshooting is complete.If possible, place the Nintendo Switch within 3 to 5 meters (10 to 15 feet) of the wireless router to improve the signal strength during troubleshooting.
Move the Nintendo Switch console closer to the wireless router.As your NAT type and download speeds appear OK, it's possible this could be due to the wireless network environment, try the following troubleshooting steps: